miércoles, 29 de junio de 2011

Love is Louder than the pressure to be perfect

Demi Lovato was the first one who joined the movement

Seventeen magazine and Demi Lovato started with the campaign "Love is louder than the pressure to be perfect" and now other Hollywood stars join them.
This is something that will help all the girls who has passed for the same problem than Demi or are living it.
Victoria Justice is one of the stars who has joined the cause
This girls are always under pressure to be a model for the rest but we must remember they are just girls just like us and they can make mistakes but we have to take as a model someone who make mistakes but knows how to stand up and go on.
Belive it or not Miley is on the campaign too

Ana Sophia Rob on Love is Louder

Ashley Argota Love is Louder
Camille Bell
Zendaya Coleman Love is Louder