If you haven't listened to her music you should do it because there's nothing like her songs out there.
Somethins that i like about her is her style because her music is not rude or loud but her look is actually rude.....kind of like rocker.
Her music is romantic but is not pathetic like most of the love songs, and when she sings live her voice sound exactly like in the recording of the album and that's good because some other singers sound awesome in their CD but when you hear them performing live is like WTF?.....anyway i won't mention names because i don't wanna offense anybody.
There's no many fans of her but i'm sure that if we the fans of her make other people listen to her music they will love her and her career will be as succesful as her deserve.

Something interesting about her life is that she was a waiter but she never gave up with her dream of being a musician and now she's a good one.....she's not popular but not because she's not good but because she's not a cute dolly face boy with unknow sex voice (not an offense Justin B) but seriously she's a good singer and there's so many good artist that are not popular because people like.....what they like.

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